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Westfield Science Oriented School


Mode of Delivery

Live Discussion  of Lessons Using Industry Grade Online Video Platform

Lessons will be discussed live by the teacher using the white board, or shared PowerPoint presentations. The live feed is broadcasted to the students through the video meeting features of Zoom for Education.


Prerecorded Lessons, Assessments and Other Related Activities

Prerecorded lessons and all forms of assessments and related academic activities will be uploaded to the Google Classroom. The student will be required to download the activity contents from the links provided in the Google Classroom. The activities maybe either time bound or can be downloaded anytime of the day.

LearningBoard Learning Platform

LearningBoard is a customized cloud-based learning platform developed and acquired by Westfield to address its lesson delivery requirements. LearningBoard can be accessed remotely anywhere and anytime by the student through the internet. The platform’s design consists of interface panels for live video lessons, pre-recorded lessons, announcements and assessments. The graphic user interface is very intuitive, understandable and user friendly. A student who uses this platform can remotely and easily;

1. Join a Zoom Class without undergoing the intricacies of typing the Zoom Meeting        ID or Password,

2. Access pre-recorded lessons;

3. Access and take scheduled quizzes, assignments, seat works etc.

4. Download activities prepared by the teachers.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a learning management software (LMS) developed by  Google for schools,  that aims to simplify creating, distributing, and grading academic assessments in a paperless way. Google Classroom is an online platform where the teacher can post the quizzes, assignments and periodical tests. The assessments are downloaded and taken by the students in a manner similar to an assessments given inside a physical classroom. Teachers can monitor the progress for each student, and after being graded, teachers can return work along with comments.

Zoom for Education

Generally, ZOOM is an online video conferencing software where participants are invited to join a live video meet up using a unique meeting ID and password. Zoom offers video, audio and screen sharing to participants in a meeting.  In a school or learning environment, aside from live meet up lessons can be video-recorded and watched later by students. Zoom video is now being used worldwide by educational institutions including 88% of top universities in the US and major educational institution in the Philippines.

Mode of Delivery of Academic Evaluations such as revision tests,

assignments, quizzes, projects and Periodical tests, etc.

All forms of academic evaluations will be coursed through by the teacher by uploading assessments to the LearningBoard Platform. LearningBoard Platform is equipped with evaluation elements to assess students. The test maybe either in the form of essay or multiple choice with time or non time-bound features. Evaluation results are easily collated and scores are immediately seen.


Student Attendance

Student attendance will be checked on a daily basis (Monday to Friday) using daily meetings in Zoom for Education.

Time Frame

The covering time frame of the online learning will be dependent on the policies set forth by the government through the Department of Education. The current pronouncements do not allow  face to face meetings in school.

Devices Needed by the Students

Computer Desktop, Laptop, or Tablet is highly recommended devices for this kind of

learning. Second-Hand    devices    will   suffice provided   it   has internet connection capability. Internet connection at home is also a requirement.

Books and Learning Kits

Textbooks and school provided learning kits play a vital role in the teaching-learning process of teachers and students. Textbooks provide organized units of work and delivers balanced and chronological presentation of lessons.

Teacher's Readiness

Westfield teachers will be given ample time to prepare and organize the learning goals and instructional strategies of the online program. Similar to the yearly preparations before the start of classes, all teachers will undergo intensive trainings  in handling and  preparing lessons relative to the online learning technology. They will be equipped and provided with appropriate devices and equipment for the efficient delivery of the expected services for the online learning environment.

Student's Readiness

All students will be provided with an Operational Manual on how to work  and go about with the educational platforms, such as Google Classroom and Meetings in Zoom for Education, used in the online learning. The operational manual will be released prior to start of classes.

We take Learning a Step Further...

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A Westfield Online Learning Innovation

Copyright 2020 Westfield Science Oriented School. All rights reserved.
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